I heard a story somewhere that New Colony Six and Paul Revere & The Raiders shared a duplex in LA without knowing it. Both bands, New Colony Six from Chicago and the Raiders from Boise, were in LA trying to "make it" and spent at least a few weeks living in the duplex together without realizing it. One day when one band was leaving for a show and the other was coming back from a show they ran into each other and realized they were both wearing colonial costumes and things got super weird. The details get a bit hazy here but the singer of NCS claims they ended up changing their outfits once The Raiders started to get huge so it wouldn't seem like they were aping The Raiders' image. Personally, I think New Colony Six looks way better in their goofy costumes, especially in the video of them on Kiddie A Go Go.
They sound is moody and harmony-thick garage. There's a range of energy, but the general atmosphere is soulful and reverb-laden. "At The Rivers Edge" was comped on the nuggets box set, and while it's a great song (who doesn't love upbeat harmonica-laden tracks about suicide) it's not really indicative of the rest of the album. Most of the tracks are mid-tempo lovey-dovey songs which bring that sort of melancholy teeny emotional pulp that I love so much. What's cool is that they bring the heat with tons of slightly weird section changes. Plus, they end it with a "live" track with fake crowd sounds that are more similar to a jet plane taking off in a reverb tank than a real crowd. Ok enjoy
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